.definitely...macam sardin ku disana sehari suntuk.Tapikan, nda pulang ku tau macam mana usul kalau sardin yang sehari suntuk sana tu.hahaha.but itsokay,at least im not only met up with one or two person for the whole day.from 2+ pm untill 12 am.huh.hahahaha.meet somone new jua*
hint*,some familiar faces pun ada jua.hahaoh yea, i met this girl, namanya, mimz 'ahakz'.hahahahaha.nadawah...hahaha.mims for sure.lawaaaaaa~hot hot heat=)!apakan aku ah,angau~lol.tapi lawalah....hehe.ok!cut cut cut!!check out the photos below=)

. Mims & ME...as what you wish girl.haha.'HOT HOT HEAT!'

.spaghetti and 'the ladies'.

.Zul &......friends.haha.Baju biruu~

.The 'D.U.T' .(L to R)Hakim,Fakhrul & Luqman


.my blog's daily faces.lol

.Pqah...giginya rumpang tuuu.hahaha.nadawah~

.Ladies~posed for my camera.especially the one who wear the blue baju kurung.haha

.Little Daniew/Daniel/Danial.

'Tuan Rumah'.Mua Sepusin wang,hahaha,Candid ni!!haha
.Zul's Cousins
.Fakhrul's friends

.Izul's friends

.Zul's bedroom

.what with those fingers?