.Everyones enjoy the performance
Saturday, November 10, 2007
.Battle of The Bands @ ISB
.Im doing a cover up last night for the JIS people @ ISB.Soo...there's a lot of photo of JIS people than others.Oh, yea, IMTS was there and FYI, Dan is not with MOTA anymore, heh, he's now grouping with the 'stealing second'.Really enjoy the BOBs last night, but, a spoilled happen, when a group of Policemen came of and told one of the teacher's to end up the show immediately or else we/us will have to come up to the police station.so here are some of the photos of last night session.ENJOY=)
.Owned by one of the 'IMTS' guitarist=)
.Aizat, i took this great shot of yours!!isn't it cool?
.Miss 'Escandalouso'*spelling*.haha
.The JIS Peoples=)
.Adib & Aiman *Fog or smoke*