.I'm really lookin foward for Brunei team to win the match last night....but poorly, nothing's happen.Negeri Sembilan Naza showed up that they can beat the home team, 0-1.Tapi inda apalah, manang penalty pulang saja tu.One of DPMM's player, yag lastman ah, si '
Bahloul', ia main kasar arh penalty area.pasal atu tah penalty.I guess Brunei bulih manang wa last nite....but seems like some players are not fit to play for the whole 90 mins.DPMM's captain,
Bobby/Rosmin inda main[his post played by the maldivian
Fazeel Ibrahim].The Maldivian couldn't show up his talent very well.bida eh...
Sharazen masih lagi injured+mainan nya inda lagi like before and he played less than 90 mins and he was replace by
Fadhlin Galawat.But, hey!!do you know
Ali Afsaag?The Maldivian ah...mann!!he played very well!!bagus lah ia main!oh yea...another 'young and about-to-rise player',
Maududi, he play quite well and much aggressive last night, but he's also facing an injury last night.oh, anyway...well done players!!Hopefully you guys can bring back the way or style kamu main macam dulu!!Good luck!
.The result

.oh yea...cuba liat yang ani....hahaha....almost terlupa ku gtau tadi.hahaha....actually Brunei ada scored tapi, offside....hahaha...tau apa, orang yg handle bahagian scoreboard ah!cuba liat picture dibawah ani:

'young and about-to rise' player,

Shahrazen 'out',
Fadhlin 'in'


.haha...this one is the funniest part....its started when one of the Negeri Sembilan player made a rough tackle on
Haji Boy or
Haji Khairul......tarus di sauknya wah player atu...atu bebukut banar eh dorang.ahaha.both of them kana bagi yellow card.