Monday, November 5, 2007

.JIS Football Funday

.It was a great day...woke up at 6,pick up my cousin, and then moved to Jerudong straightaway.Then we stop for a breakfast at Jerudong, and also we made a preparation for our kits.then @ 7 sharp we moved to JIS,and there we met AKEE.AKEE is one of Prince Mateen teamate.He brought me to theier camp and cerita-cerita for a while, but then he have to move for the warmed up.Football funday....hmmmm.actually gian ku kan main.when i was there.quite ramai sudah orang, and rupa-rupanya, the registration still open for any teams yang mau join.s**t...rugi eh!peoples around me keep on asking 'eh,where's your team?', boring ah?Untuk melapas gian, ikut/kacau urang training, tandang2 bola saja.hahahaha.oh,'s are the shots of yesterday
.A great safe by Ghazi of ......

.The Supporters

.Prince Mateen
.a strike by HRH
.and yes, i met with RANO too!!
.It's ME on the left,and AKE on the right
.The Gunners,Prince Mateen(standing 2R)
.DUL ' Drogba' and ME
.MUMU and the boipren
.The 'attraction=attention'
.MUMU's team