.EH..hello guys!!did you ever heard of, ada orang jual
'LAMB CHOP' for $2??haha...i bet you guys pernah dangar!Di KB ada....but now its already closed kali...cos i went there few days ago at Tudong saji.But dont worry!!
Tutong does have it now!!only for 2 bucks!!these is for f**kin real man!!nyaman berabis wah!!today saja aku bali 2 bungkus...and thats still not enough for me...but poorly....aku nda sampat bali for the third pack....before 10pm sudah abis wah!!soo come come to Tutong....well its only a gerai pulang....take away saja...but if kan chill sekajap sana pun bulih, but theres not enough seat utk urg kn chill sana.
.There's another side order jua pulang such as Nasi Katok*all time favourite* and Burger......Harga?still affortable*spelling* ehh....
.You guys have to believe it!!

.The Menu

.The stall

**Guys!!im telling you!!you should try the 'LAMB CHOP'!!NYAMAN BRABISS!!PUAS HATIII!!