.This man i will never forget.Thanks Mr Steven
**I am willing to pay more than $20, just for joining this type of programme organized by Livewire.I remember what Mr steven said to us, he spent almost $20K, just to follow up the programme like this.See the gap, but you're learning the same thing.Rich are easy to be reach, but it just a matter of time.
.Hello..Good Thursday everyone...im sorry for not writting any information or details of the yesterday 'Livewire'(Bright Idea Workshop) session.I am sooo tired, so that i just only managed to post the pictures.but...picture does tell everything.the only thing is,i its couldn't explain.hehe.
.Ok, today is the last day for the bright idaeas workshop to be carried out.well, today, there's a lot of challenges, tricks that we learned.I did a lot of mistakes.but itsokay.'learn from a mistake'+'try to think outside of the box'.Our business counsellor for today is Mr Steven Song.I learnt something new for today.actually there's a lot.....one of em is, we/i/us have to bring the fear to jump down with us.Meaning to say, you are ready to face all the riskto be in a business.For those who dont have any 'basic' business,'Bright Ideas Workshop' is for you.In the end of the session you are free to select/choose any type of business that you wanted.
'If there is an opportunitties for a business, grab it straight away'
'Dont look for the money.Look the ideas behind the money'
'Do handle yourself first before you handle a business'
'You need to FEEL GOOD in everything you do'
'There's opportunity when peoples complaining'
'Start listening to business when youre going out'
.this is what i called as 'A door to success'
.Future multi-milionaire=)
.Wei Lik & Zaim(Before the session start)
.Our Rival team during the game
.Dk Suzie and Suffian on the front, Asia & *i dont remember the name*
.Hanif Getting help by Audrey*spelling*
.im dying to...
.and im trying to..
**I am willing to pay more than $20, just for joining this type of programme organized by Livewire.I remember what Mr steven said to us, he spent almost $20K, just to follow up the programme like this.See the gap, but you're learning the same thing.Rich are easy to be reach, but it just a matter of time.