.All these are the photos from yesterday's event, JIS football funday.alot more to come.But i already post all of it to one of my colleague at JIS,AKEE. do contact me if u need the softcopy of yesterday if u couldnt find him.thanks...and, so here are the photo. enjoy=),
.the spectators

.Fuzza aka Fadzlin


.did u guys found out that he's cool?nott!!

.and i bet he's happy with that scarry face


Joga MelayO

tank top during the midday.its damn hot!

.the 'reds' for the match

.he's not the pirate, there's a reason behind the eye-cap

dont even think that lady couldnt play football

.Chinese teams

Simmo(wearing the #9 shirt)

.during the warmed up session

.all red wasnt enough for him,rainbow for me please?

.looking for a guy....i mean the coach

.izzul'c cousin in the middle

.does he made it?nott!!saved by the defenders
.wait & watch...i know its boring.dont be a goalie next time

.Hi 5....sorry,i thought it was your hand.but itsokay, isn't it?*OUCHH*

Boys' wings

The gunners
Adam with the white strap on his head

.Abdul and friend

.kick the ball, not the ground!

they're posing for the camera,not watching the game.

.not enough drinks,collecting the rain water is the best idea!!brilliant!

.they're part time model.

.the future barcelona's?

.she's ready for the shot, even when the ball are not ready for her
.all the pictures/photos are originally captured by me and my cousin=)