.Went to
izzul a.k.a snotty's house last night.had a BBQ...main course?
KAMBING KAMBING and KAMBING!!plus ada sikitudang jualah, but not that much.there's only 4 of us, Me Myself, Izzul Snotty, Zaim and Nawi.bah, guys i don wanna talk soo much.nah, here the pictures.hahaha
Peoples : Izzul a.k.a Snotty, Zaim, Me Myself & Nawi
Spot : Snotty's
Occasion : BBQ
When : Friday Night which is Yesterday
.The Tukan Gaul, Nawi.The Big Boss, Zaim.=)

.Ok, this time.....The Tukang Grill, Zaim.The Big Boss, Nawi..hahahaha

.The Dudes : Izzul Snotty, Nawi, Zaim & Me Myself[L to R]

.Inda Pandai Abis2 ni ia ani menggaul.....
.Nawi & the prawn...or prawn with the Nawi..apakan aku ah~?haha

.Ok...this one's candid i guess...by zaim.lols.