.Holiday Lodge...Holiday Inn....sooo, whats the different?haha...yea yea, watever the different is, still i dont wann listen to you guys.Yesterday,
Syaza invited me to join her check in arah
Holiday Lodge.Actually, its not only me was there,
Ihti ada jua,
Annie ada jua,
Geerah ada jua.tapi Annie have to balik kemarin jua due to she had to start working by today*congrats agin Annie*=)).well...its only
Syaza &
Geerah yg tinggal.Payah kan tidur yoooo......around 2+ am...Geerah's brother,
Elmi, datang with his friends.Atu banar....inda betidur jawapan nya...sampai pukul 5+.
Syaza betangakar sama si
Qayyum saja...inda pandai abis abis.but,i managed to get asleep around 5+ ah....inda lagi tahan nyawa laiii.but around 9am barutah tebangun, and everyone's getting ready kan swimming....sorang sorang muka masam...ewww..hahaha
.ahah...everyone's getting vain

.when boredom strikes


.Hafiz the munkeeyyyhh

.Elmi & Syaza


.Brotherhood sejati!!

.I Found this little creature....and its about to change

.spot me?can you?

.Geerah...wide preety smile, innocent faces

.Ihti...wannabe model?i remember what u said earlier today.haha.good luck!

.Went back home around 2+...tapi inda straight away tarus balik lah.
Aunty Anna &
Syaza's mommeh lanja makan arah this restaurant,
'My Place Cafe', disana we keep on becerita jua masih...inda pandai abis2....Geerah bagi comment about this guy yang diluar.the way she spilled out the words atu macam dhaaa...buat muka innocent saja.hahaha.steady kau Geerah...thanks for being my 'one- night stand' gf.lols