Wednesday, December 5, 2007
.Size doesn't matter
.By looking on its size, people may start thinking that,this stall only selling the same menu/foods like other stalldoes.But hey, try the menu 1st...by looking onto the menus, it seems we are familiar with all of it.nahh~...its totallydifferent!I was invited by the owner itself, and he asked me to try one of the special menu, 'Nasi Ayam Goreng'...familiar banar kan?!!haha....try duluu~....banar pulang its like nasi katok...tapi its totally different!!mann....i was like, 2 kali order for the same menu.hahahaha....ok, here's the clue : the owner of the stall is one of the teacher at MTSSR,ia ajar course 'hotel management and catering'...lurus kah?haha.and and...atu...the price?semuanya affordable*spelling*

Muqtazza Restaurant