Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Empire Part 1 ; Surprise, Surprise & So much Surprise!!

.Went to the Empire Hotel last saturday, checked in for sure.Actually before we arrive at the hotel,i already made a reservation for a room at the lagoon.BUT then, we were told that the room at the Lagoon area were fully occupied, but then they're givin us a room at the main building at the most affordable price hehe, you know what room it is if it's located at the main building=).Oh hey,people...i guess ure not goin to read this right?you guys are only goin to look for the picture isn't it?hahaha.okay...more random-ness below here:

.It just before the prom get started, Syaza with the dress.
.Oh, i can be your cover boy.haha
.nothing special, but i just only like the reflection
.Met Nd too, but he's not goin for the Prom night.
Ahah!!thanks peoples for the surprise!!i mean to those who are involed for doin this to me!!didnt get the clue at all!!Thanks alot!!Thanks to Babu syaza for the big birthday card!!i love it!thank you!!Boring wah, nda happening, not all my fren did turn up that night=(
.The Big Birthday card=)
.The Birthday Cake<3
.I met these peoples like around 1 ish in the morning,(clockwise)Nora, Amal, Hana, Munirah
.Inda tebali speedlite, pakai spotlight jadi tahh~
.syaza ; homeless people~
.okay...we are the perfect number 9!
.that white thing inside my ear ; its kapas! reason for locating it inside my ear ; ada radio sebalah ku, inda dapat di turn off
.Nasi Katok for breakfast?